Monday, May 28, 2007

Polar Volunteers at Kid's Triathlon

On Sunday, May 27, Bob and I volunteered at the Multisport Madness Kids' Triathlon in Geneva. Wow! What an experience. These kids were amazing. They just didn't have great bikes (many with Litespeeds and Zipps - can you believe it?), but these kids were great athletes. There were five separate age groups ranging in ages from 7 to 16, plus an elite category. The swim began at the pool at Delnor Health and Wellness Center with varying distances based on the atheletes' age group. Then it was off to ride the challenging bike course followed by a run around the hospital campus. Congratulations to all the participants on a great job! Also, its interesting to note that the Multisport Madness Kids Triathlon Team won the overall team competition at the USA Triathlon National Championships for two consecutive years (2005 and 2006) in both the Youth and the Junior Championship divisions. If you have kids who are interested in triathlon, this is a great group to consider.

1 comment:

Bob Mitera said...

Wow! This race was an eye opener! These kids were really racing well. You can see why the MSM Team has won the US Kids Championship twice in a row. Incredible!